Dave Smitham: The former Asteys cafe in the snow 2005
G Cullen: IMG_2620_1_2
Telboycardiff: Stand up to Racism
Mr Pleasant: 7RD_6706
Telboycardiff: Jones the Barber!
Midest_pics: CB_GTr_1998_Grangetown_C20409
weirdoldhattie: His eyes are screaming Blue. His hair is red as blood
Simon Turton: Taff Enbankment Railway Bridge, Cardiff
cobol: Jim Blodget for JKPP
Capt' Gorgeous: Who you looking at?
ndall: 20161118-IMG_7128
HBA_JIJO: Frida Kahlo
rogerfeugas 2: LANTRANSHUMANCE
Fayzeeday: Roberto LMRZ for JKPP
gopper: cardiff and the principality stadium from 12000ft
Lt Frank Drebin: Don't do it ...
Michael J Biddulph: Pierhead Building, Cardiff
Telboycardiff: Making Music!
Just Ard: Pretty & Amongst The Blue
Time Grabber: Rebecca 500d 455
lynnecartlidge: Tea for one
Hidemi Tada: morning coffee in Manhattan
Arturo Espinosa: Yaris Varufakis for PIFAL
KenKFoster: Lorenzo
Arunava from India: Pencil Drawing : Prayer of an old man
Jennifer Lawson: For the love of Henri Matisse
socarra: Grangetown Gas Holder
David Christie 14: Cardiff Trolley 215 at General Stn. Jan'70.
David Christie 14: Cardiff Trolley 220 by Cardiff Bridge. Jan'70.