seanexmachina: Polychrome Pass pic
seanexmachina: Polychrome Pass pic
seanexmachina: Bartlett River
seanexmachina: Lamplugh Glacier
seanexmachina: Johns Hopkins Glacier
seanexmachina: Ice dipper
seanexmachina: Margerie Glacier
seanexmachina: Kayak pickup
seanexmachina: Beach bears
seanexmachina: South Marble Island
seanexmachina: Cactus and poppies
seanexmachina: Cacti and mountain
seanexmachina: Reach for the sky
seanexmachina: Poppy party
seanexmachina: Ingapirca
seanexmachina: Incan ruins at Ingapirca
seanexmachina: Temple of the sun
seanexmachina: Mirador Tres Cruces
seanexmachina: Roadside llamas
seanexmachina: Laguna Llaviucu
seanexmachina: Laguna Toreadora
seanexmachina: Heading up to the Refuge
seanexmachina: Tropical glacier
seanexmachina: Looking into the canyon
seanexmachina: Ecuador, land of bromeliads
seanexmachina: Isinlivi trail crew
seanexmachina: The canyon, again
seanexmachina: Preview of the hike
seanexmachina: Laguna Quilotoa
seanexmachina: Scratch that itch