Sean Batcheller: Jack's Playhouse
Sean Batcheller: His and hers
Sean Batcheller: Ludicrous
Sean Batcheller: Big Bear Lake
Sean Batcheller: Caged Fury
Sean Batcheller: Furry Tractor
Sean Batcheller: Nom Nom Nom
Sean Batcheller: You talkin to me?
Sean Batcheller: Bird on a Wire
Sean Batcheller: Hunting and Pecking
Sean Batcheller: Date Night...all five of us...
Sean Batcheller: So far, he's unimpressed with iOS7
Sean Batcheller: Why won't you open?
Sean Batcheller: IOGraph - July 26 2013
Sean Batcheller: Fez in Thought
Sean Batcheller: Fez 8x10
Sean Batcheller: IMG_9888
Sean Batcheller: Fez Wide
Sean Batcheller: Fez Profile
Sean Batcheller: Mission Inn
Sean Batcheller: Jet with Textures
Sean Batcheller: Mine's more fun
Sean Batcheller: Jet Model Final (4UP View)
Sean Batcheller: Jet Model Final (Perspective View)
Sean Batcheller: Tank WIP 5/23/12
Sean Batcheller: X-Wing WIP 5/18/12
Sean Batcheller: April showers...