seamusholman: Galoshes for infants
seamusholman: Best soup on earth
seamusholman: Liz and I wrote this for the holiday
seamusholman: Soup in the park
seamusholman: Happy baby with Aunt Liz
seamusholman: DSC_0090
seamusholman: Walkin' around
seamusholman: Abel considers Kombucha
seamusholman: Liquids at the store
seamusholman: Hangin out waiting for the elevator
seamusholman: Chilling near some towers of water
seamusholman: Glass art and sunshine
seamusholman: The very last of the cherry tomatoes
seamusholman: Selecting the very best of the cherries
seamusholman: Family decision making
seamusholman: Liam picks his first tomato
seamusholman: Posing among the pumpkins
seamusholman: Happy family time
seamusholman: Washing apples, word
seamusholman: Dunkin fruit
seamusholman: Cool old doors
seamusholman: Cider press
seamusholman: Big ol cider operation
seamusholman: Pulp goes to compost (we learned that chickens won't lay eggs with a high acid diet)
seamusholman: Fresh cider
seamusholman: Golden streams
seamusholman: Actually I don't even like cider that much, just being a ham
seamusholman: Soft baby skin
seamusholman: Hot peppers pretty good
seamusholman: Sellin produce to Olympians