seamusholman: IMG_1768
seamusholman: Thanksgiving Jump
seamusholman: Classy friends
seamusholman: Sleepy baby
seamusholman: Liam at rest
seamusholman: Liz and Liam
seamusholman: Liz and Liam, Part II
seamusholman: So many racoons in Pt. Defiance, these ones were actually pretty cute
seamusholman: More cute little racoons
seamusholman: New toy, Mom and Liam
seamusholman: Crab people
seamusholman: Olympia marina
seamusholman: Abel in fleece
seamusholman: Sisters at the market
seamusholman: Produce so good
seamusholman: Gourds aplenty
seamusholman: Summitting apple mountain
seamusholman: Pepper party
seamusholman: Wobbly cart
seamusholman: Quality shit
seamusholman: Sellin produce to Olympians
seamusholman: Hot peppers pretty good
seamusholman: Soft baby skin
seamusholman: Actually I don't even like cider that much, just being a ham
seamusholman: Golden streams
seamusholman: Fresh cider
seamusholman: Pulp goes to compost (we learned that chickens won't lay eggs with a high acid diet)
seamusholman: Big ol cider operation
seamusholman: Cider press
seamusholman: Cool old doors