Ryan Zucker: Kamchatka Mew Gull
Eric Heisey: Leach's Storm-Petrel
Cimperialis: Race Point Rainbow
eflon: Sidewalk
eflon: Eiffel Tower
rswinkleman: Holy Fire
Feather as a Light: Pacific heron (Ardea pacifica)
chickadee birder: Black-vented Shearwater Flock
zeledonia: Monkey Run
dragonhunter99: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
John de Grooth: The Great Pyramid of Giza / Pyramid of Cheops (6)Entrance
John Steedman: DSCN4951 Moth
Carlos ZGZ: All Free Pictures 2016
Carlos ZGZ: The only thing better than a mosaic is a second mosaic (All Free Pictures 2016)