Bridgeport Mike: Yosemite Falls
Rich Baum: RB3_1873-Edit
Bridgeport Mike: Fly Fishing in The Sierra Nevada
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Simple Portrait with two lights. Chicago Workshop.
Michael Asgian: Living Room - Mira Mar
Briana nana: I can fly!
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Landshark: A Great Beer. Shark: an attorney on TV. Pool Shark: Briana in the Haley Motel Pool Room hustling a game for fun. How can you compete with that?
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Sunlight... pure and simple.
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Serendipitous Moments and Serendiptious Light: Watching for those little moments that are everywhere, all the time.
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): I really have nothing to say about that look. I mean, really, what could I say that she hasn't with that stare? Everything she says here is true. I admit it. Dang... I am a dork.
marcwiegelmann: morning sky rising over mannheim - on fire!
jon54: livRm Sth Appt