bob the builder of luv: prickly lettuce by the river
bob the builder of luv: Cool springs park
philippeguedu: Waldviertel
philippeguedu: Brest capucin
philippeguedu: Brest capucin
FabRos... 50: Pazienza e tanta fatica nel percorrere questa lunga scal inata... - Patience and a lot of effort in walking this long staircase...
FabRos... 50: La facciata marmorea del Battistero di Volterra - The marble facade of the Baptistery of Volterra
FabRos... 50: "Volterra, Città dell'Alabastro!" - "Volterra, City of Alabaster!"
FabRos... 50: La fioritura del piccolo giardino della casa abbandonata da anni - The flowering of the small garden of the house that has been abandoned for years
FabRos... 50: Volterra. La Fontana del Viale dei Ponti (particolare) - Volterra. The Fountain of the Viale dei Ponti (detail)
akuppasan: Atami Shopfront
akuppasan: Plum Blossom
akuppasan: Ladakh
Clouds Catcher: Cliffs of Portovenere and Doria Castle
kondakov_nikolai: Свето-тень !
kondakov_nikolai: Великий Новгород во всей красе !!!
kondakov_nikolai: Семейка мандаринок !!!
kondakov_nikolai: Церковь Сретения Господня в Вологде !!!
kondakov_nikolai: Ополовник или длинохвостая синица !!!
Clouds Catcher: Love is in the air
Scotti van Palm: Oranienbaum Palace
Scotti van Palm: Oranienbaum Palace