Arte Cifuentes: Hesperantha
anschieber | niadahoam: Castilleja irasuensis (Fam. Orobanchaceae), Irazú Volcano National Park, Costa Rica
Darren and Brad: DSCF6043.jpg
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 314 of "Insects : their life-histories and habits" (1913)
Rock Portrait Photography: Tasmania Jan 08
Janek Kloss: WHATEVER just wash your hands
wallyg: Washington DC - NMNH: Deep Time - Charles Darwin
Geoff Whalan: Green Ant Nest - HDR Conversion - Charles Darwin National Park, Winnellie, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Green Baron Pro: Dracaena cantleyi
cetp: Bactris constanciae
jssz: Façade végétale
mike193823319483: Glendurgan garden 2019
Drewhound: Glendurgan
jzielcke: On the slopes of Nyiragongo
jemasmith: Dates, anyone?
amandabhslater: Mount Stewart - Camelia
Lon&Queta: Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) in flower; Marana, AZ
Cerlin Ng: Mayodendron igneum
Rene Stalder: Tropaeolum pentaphyllum var. megapetaloides
alicemorris23: Tiputinia foetida, relative of the orchids
Birdernaturalist: Tiputinia foetida
zimorodek: White-lined Sphinx (Hyles lineata) on Fernleaf Lousewort (Pedicularis procera). Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, USA.
Tim Waters: Trachycarpus fortunei (Palmae)
Karen Roe: 130th Sandringham Flower Show 27-07-2011
Ken Mattison: Jute Netting
Scamperdale: Corchorus olitorius L. (TILIACEAE)
copepodo: Sisal