scottelbot: their images burned on wood in one titanic instant
scottelbot: in the end, he did tell her what he had intended to
scottelbot: it's so cold now
scottelbot: don't you know, i have left and gone away
scottelbot: there's nothing here but that's ok
scottelbot: this isn't our parade
scottelbot: bright but brisk, she wore the red overcoat
scottelbot: a new year, a new voice
scottelbot: antonija
scottelbot: almost there
scottelbot: wave of mutilation
scottelbot: all that glitters is not gold
scottelbot: a cause, without
scottelbot: metal / mettle
scottelbot: fate, up against your will
scottelbot: too low, for too long
scottelbot: ro-bart prefers hamms
scottelbot: daytona
scottelbot: the lonely highway
scottelbot: slow smolder
scottelbot: parc fermé
scottelbot: laisse tomber les filles
scottelbot: a disc i'd like to spin
scottelbot: johnny golden
scottelbot: today's mods
scottelbot: speaking of bad ideas...
scottelbot: will jones
scottelbot: doubt swirls, like sparks
scottelbot: the keeper of the grounds