Sun~Lover: American Kestrel
Amy Hudechek Photography: Lesser Goldfinch
Sun~Lover: Hair Raising
Fabiane J: Light and shadow - Sul de Minas - MG - Brazil
Sun~Lover: Prairie Warbler
Tom Gill.: Arctic-like
Tom Gill.: Ice Volcanos On Lake Michigan
shqoospt31: Skogafuss
Sun~Lover: Virginia Rail
shqoospt31: Day’s End
Walter Marcisz: Yellow-headed Blackbird nest w/young, Hegewisch Marsh, Chicago, IL (5-21-88)
Walter Marcisz: Ring-billed Gull, Indian Ridge Marsh South, Chicago, IL (7-2-88)
Tom Gill.: Inside the Matthiessen Ice Cave
mastodont: Pale Blue Ice
Sun~Lover: Loggerhead Shrike
mastodont: Cold and Mostly Still
Tom Gill.: Ice Barrier
Sun~Lover: Little Blue
Tom Gill.: French Canyon in Winter
Amy Hudechek Photography: Sandhill Dance
Fabiane J: Pôr do Sol entre as Nuvens - Pedra Branca - Conceição das Pedras - MG - Brasil
Sun~Lover: Snowy Egret
Tom Gill.: LaSalle Canyon in Winter
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Frozen in Time"
mastodont: Cold Anniversary on Monday