schyter: Зоркий 1 ;/)
schyter: Santa Lucia ;/)
schyter: today ;/) Zorki 1 (1956)
schyter: first test Zorki 1 - Type д 125 - Stoeckler ;/)
schyter: Safety car ;/)
schyter: api ;/)
schyter: last snow ;/)
schyter: where the drop falls ... ;/)
schyter: stoppie ;/)
schyter: erpice a riposo ;/)
schyter: roggia Mulina ;/)
schyter: solite foglie ;/)
schyter: la Vergine col ... mais ;/)
schyter: chiusa sulla Cavallera ;/)
schyter: di vedetta ;/)
schyter: soca ;/)
schyter: cardano ;/)
schyter: molino ;/)
schyter: Stalle e Sant Antonio Abate ;/)
schyter: fotografie macht frei ... ;/)
schyter: a boy of '29 ;/)
schyter: Monti Pallidi ;/)
schyter: radici ;/)
schyter: on the march ... ;/)
schyter: prolungatamente ;/)
schyter: brento ;/)