schyter: find the differences... ;/) trova le differenze...
schyter: bronze ;/)
schyter: restaurant river ;/) Flexaret VI
schyter: Prim ;/) Czechoslovak alarm clok
schyter: a sunday in Italy ;/)
schyter: a sunday in Italy ;/)
schyter: a sunday in Italy ;/)
schyter: shadows from the past ;/)
schyter: Euro-pallet ;/)
schyter: clouds loom on the horizon... ;/) digital scam (?!?!?)
schyter: Essex ;/)
schyter: Fenomenale Fenolo ;/) follow the link !
schyter: 22, piazzetta Cavour ;/)
schyter: poker ;/)
schyter: all'ombra della grande quercia ;/)
schyter: 13° shot ;/) Flexaret VI Automat
schyter: Flexaret Automat VI ;/) 13° shot !!
schyter: Play it, Sam. Play, As time goes by... ;/)
schyter: caffè Colonna ;/) Piazzola sul Brenta, Italy
schyter: gastrite ;/)
schyter: Angels in the light ;/)
schyter: appigli ;/)
schyter: God does not play dice ... dealer holds ;/)
schyter: mamma, butta la pasta ... 11:41am ;/)
schyter: on holiday with ̷R̷o̷l̷l̷e̷i̷ Flexaret ;/)
schyter: Lodi, chiesa della Maddalena. ;/)
schyter: sollevamento pesi ... ;/)
schyter: ↓↓↓↓ sfere e atmosfere ... ;/) ↓↓↓↓
schyter: viewfinder 135 for Meopta Flexaret. ;/)
schyter: Mia ;/) Flexaret Automat VI