schyter: verso sera...
schyter: bisce d'acqua...
schyter: take my hand...
schyter: raccontami...
schyter: un' Audi, all'improvviso... Lodi, Porta Cremona
schyter: Kiev... a crack in the world ;/(
schyter: la Loggia Valmarana sulla Seriola
schyter: ... among the branches ... ;/)
schyter: the winged lion tamer! ;/)
schyter: vicenza - tra le vie ;/)
schyter: woodpecker was here... ;/)
schyter: ...oooopss ! ! ;/)
schyter: Andrea Palladio ;/)
schyter: U.C.C.S. ;/) Vox clamantis in deserto...
schyter: U.C.C.S. ;/) Vox clamantis in deserto...
schyter: U.C.C.S. ;/) Interazione uomo/animale
schyter: U.C.C.S. ;/) Vox clamantis in deserto...
schyter: fields of gold ;/) uomini come pecore
schyter: solo i pesci morti seguono la corrente... ;/)
schyter: vita !!! ;/) time after time...
schyter: in memory of Eva Cassidy ;/) r.i.p.
schyter: the old crafts ;/)
schyter: the old crafts ;/)
schyter: verso l'abbeverata ;/)
schyter: las ventana al paraiso ;/)
schyter: rust ;/)
schyter: ruderi ;/)
schyter: [contest N°10] ZAF ;/) parcogiochi
schyter: old stones and young lions ;/)
schyter: Howard ;/)