schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: Super 8 ... a carte e 48 !!! ;/) blender pinhole
schyter: 3^ test blender - Flowers fusion -
schyter: 3^ test blender - Sulfinie -
schyter: 3^ test blender - a fusion of fruits -
schyter: Soltarico - il sole scende sulla palude -
schyter: Soltarico - Le paludi - the marshes
schyter: color test anamorph2 & reala100
schyter: color test anamorph1 & fuji reala100
schyter: luci a nord-ovest
schyter: saint mark hut & mount pelmo
schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: Calenzano - Perino creek - the falls ;/)
schyter: Dolomiti orientali - Tre Cime di Lavaredo - from Col di Mezzo ;/)
schyter: ... from here, messer, it dominates the valley! ;/) pinhole ... da qui, messere, si domina la valle!
schyter: Dolomiti orientali - Tre Cime di Lavaredo - from the Lavaredo fork ;/)
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: populus nigra (pioppo nero cipressino) pinhole ;/) tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 - Homemade development -
schyter: tetenal colortec c41 homemade development ;/)
schyter: - homemade development - tetenal colortec c41 ;/)
schyter: ;/) <homemade development> <homemade pinhole> ;/)
schyter: - God is the invisible evident - VH ;/)
schyter: ... fleurs ... ;/)
schyter: ... Eastern Light ... ;/)
schyter: - fusion - flower and water ;/)
schyter: - fleurs - (2^) ;/)
schyter: - fleurs 3^ - ;/)
schyter: - fleurs 4^ - ;/)
schyter: - hombre vertical - ;/)