drewgeraets: 002 Henry and Flower
Jennifer Soltren: a boys best friend
Bully Baby: Happy Ruf
Stryke Force: Stryke Force
rottnbully: whatcha lookin at?
Bully Baby: Emma & Duff being chummy
NicholeVan: .marriage.
murn: Senior
sesame ellis: um what?
carolyn_in_oregon: the mountain, the moonlight, the big dipper and the good idea
BayouBaby: This kiss is for all the honeys!
HBE_Mom: starsun
rottnbully: may i have your attention please...
eave_ill: P5240035
JessicaMae: Little bulldog
ntisocl: They Were This Close
Imapix: Peace*
rottnbully: what a life
sesame ellis: gemma's drink of choice
sesame ellis: she looked at me AND smiled...i feel like i won the lottery.
snowdeal: day 654: sensoria.
rottnbully: mr. monty
eave_ill: Best Buddies
daniel shiu: Share with my snacks
kristindale: Fun with the hose
* Shanni *: Perch
konaboy: Sweetheart of the Rodeo
kameleon: lavendar sky Aruba