School of Crafts: Finished my #socialtote by @carolynfriedlander :) totally ❤️... The big pincushion is my favorite part :)
School of Crafts: Actually finished this sweater! Only took me 5 years :)
School of Crafts: Home with a sick little guy :( but at least I finished knitting my sweater (only too 5 years 😜) let's see how long it will take me to block all the pieces and actually put it together
School of Crafts: I think it looks pretty cute on my little man too :)
School of Crafts: Finally finished the #bearcowl for my little niece :)
School of Crafts: Just got my new @patchworkthreads sweatshirt and totally ❤️ it!!
School of Crafts: Another sweatshirt for my littlest man :) not a great pic
School of Crafts: Another cute sweatshirt for my little man :)
School of Crafts: I have a meter (a bit over a yard) of this laminate polka dot straight from japan :) anyone want it for $15 +sh? #greatfabricdestash
School of Crafts: Playing with my new toy!
School of Crafts: Sporting his new mommy made sweatshirt today :)
School of Crafts: Reading my letter for #finchmakersretreat .... So psyched :) @finchsewingstudio
School of Crafts: These are the ones I would be so happy if I complete :) there are a sprinkle of smaller projects too but these are the big and harder ones to keep motivated. #DCMQGnewyeargoals
School of Crafts: And then I had 2 #bionicgearbag ... Have a feeling I'll be making more of these in the near future :)
School of Crafts: ❤️ the texture of this! @maife76 don't you think this would be good for a photo shoot?
School of Crafts: A little arm knitting for the soul :)
School of Crafts: Finishing up my #bionicgearbag 😃
School of Crafts: Nothing like a last minute project :)
School of Crafts: Got some sewing time and made a new cover for this high chair insert :) love that I finally got to use my sushi fabric!
School of Crafts: We have finished mittens he likes! #presentperfect @betz_white
School of Crafts: Making some cute raccoons from @betz_white book #presentperfect
School of Crafts: Thank you @fullerbydesign for my awesome mug rug! I was hoping I was the recipient of this one when I saw the sneak peak :) #dcmqgswap
School of Crafts: And her ruby red slippers :) #canadastriplets #canadashalloween
School of Crafts: Mini block... We will see where this takes me #dcmqg
School of Crafts: Finally Dorothy costume is done :) took forever just to sit down and get the buttons seen on. Looking forward to seeing my niece in this one! @mjclinger
School of Crafts: This will turn into a cool mug rug by the end if the day! #dcmqg swap
School of Crafts: Finished my #citycape pattern from @purlsoho !! Love it ❤️now I have to block it... Never blocked something like this.. Suggestions or pointers appreciated
School of Crafts: Not a great pic, but so psyched with my progress on my #citycape @purlsoho 😄
School of Crafts: Casting on bc I don't have enough projects :) @purlsoho #citycape
School of Crafts: Playing catch up on my #50statesstitching