schoolhouse356: Summer 356 fun😁
schoolhouse356: The movie 😁
schoolhouse356: Front seats
schoolhouse356: Wiper switch and details
schoolhouse356: Hang on!
schoolhouse356: It fits!😁
schoolhouse356: Fitting the windscreen
schoolhouse356: Pymatuning Lake Pennsylvania camping
schoolhouse356: Great day for a drive
schoolhouse356: Autumn colours
schoolhouse356: IMG_20240905_122142202
schoolhouse356: Mackintosh
schoolhouse356: Glasgow Film Theater
schoolhouse356: Welcome to Scotland
schoolhouse356: Good Night
schoolhouse356: Great light today 😁
schoolhouse356: Tunnel carpet
schoolhouse356: Front carpet almost finished
schoolhouse356: Passenger side door pocket fin.
schoolhouse356: Joe Jost (100 years this year)
schoolhouse356: Sunset on the Pacific
schoolhouse356: The Queen at night
schoolhouse356: Hangin' out the window on the Queen Mary
schoolhouse356: Room view
schoolhouse356: Room A127 (The Queen Mary)
schoolhouse356: Our alarm is about to go off.....
schoolhouse356: Fuel tank is in!