schmopinions: confused
schmopinions: progress
schmopinions: deep
schmopinions: forgive the interruption
schmopinions: holding the fort
schmopinions: to nowhere
schmopinions: lost in details
schmopinions: far out
schmopinions: the dark side
schmopinions: falling in
schmopinions: just enough
schmopinions: this way
schmopinions: autumn sky
schmopinions: decor
schmopinions: squiggly
schmopinions: first to rise
schmopinions: side to side
schmopinions: got tiktok
schmopinions: men in uniform
schmopinions: it's a nice neighborhood
schmopinions: I look good
schmopinions: graffiti
schmopinions: proud papa
schmopinions: reading material
schmopinions: psychic
schmopinions: buskbuskbusk
schmopinions: stomp
schmopinions: time passed
schmopinions: protection
schmopinions: like candies