Sushicircus: So Easy to Sleep on a Train in Japan
Sushicircus: Flowers in the Garden
Sushicircus: Scout's Classic Back Roll
Sushicircus: Last Night of the Trip/First Time in Amsterdam
jschmandt: Jordan 97
Sushicircus: Kale, Cabbage, and Garic
Sushicircus: Pulling Out the Ole Coin Collection
Sushicircus: This dog knows how to get comfortable
Sushicircus: Salt Pond Beach
Sushicircus: This is what Scout looks like when he is racing to his food bowl
Sushicircus: It is chilly outside!
Sushicircus: Where we had fish and chips on Bell Island, Newfoundland
Sushicircus: Best Meal in France
Sushicircus: I heart wobbly bridges!
Sushicircus: Dupont Circle Escalator
Sushicircus: West Coast Oysters (our favorite)
Sushicircus: Sunflower Seedling