˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: AERIAL view of a small island of MALDIVES
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: FRUITS:a way to a healthier life..
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Water is the driver of Nature.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: “How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on”
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: the first appple i saw with a leaf:P
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Loving you makes my heart explode with happiness nd fire....
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Double hibiscus flower ..
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Petronas Twin Towers on a rainy day
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Yღµ ωɨℓℓ ɑℓωɑγs вє ωɨтɦ ʍє As I ωɨℓℓ ɑℓωɑγs вє ωɨтɦ γღµ
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Happiness is perfume, you can't pour it on somebody else without getting a few drops on yourself.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Love is the dawn of marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Yellow Hibiscus is the Hawaiian State Flower
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: 100th pic here is for you alll.....Deep in their roots, All flowers keep the light.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Ambition is like a frog sitting on a Venus Flytrap. The flytrap can bite and bite, but it won't bother the frog because it only has little tiny plant teeth. But some other stuff could happen and it could be like ambition.
˙·٠•●♥ S H I F F ♥: Each flower is a soul blossoming out to nature