Gerg: The place where I live
bjarne.stokke: Vannballong
Nicocach: La Basilica di San Francesco
Nicocach: I tre moschettieri
d_oracle: morning
Fotourbana: Anónimos
guia ybañez (On Facebook): We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. -The Buddha
Vincent Wo: Simply Together
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: What ARE you saying?!
MAIMOSSO: il tramonto del vino
lombartBCN: Piii!!!!,-Piii!!!!,-Direcció-a-Alp-(Girona)-2-Piii!!!!,-Piii!!!!,-Dirección-a-Alp-(Girona)
Fabrizio Moglia: Airone Cenerino - Grey Heron
bardaxi: ...tanta paz...
necydalis: セグロアシナガバチ [Polistes jadwigae jadwigae]
© Lucie Debelkova / Czech Republic - Prague - Praha - Sunrise at Charles Bridge - Karlův most
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: Danbo enjoying the autumn
janetfo747 ~ vacation time: Underwater Dreamer
Maurizio Besso: Cormorano
lucesucarta: Dentro Torre San Niccolò