Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
XmasTree Worm
Scar Finger:
the inevitable happens
Scar Finger:
Girl and perro poco
Scar Finger:
Iland paradise
Scar Finger:
Adam, dawn, Shane, and Jon
Scar Finger:
Water cay
Scar Finger:
Dawn, Bucky, Adam and others drinking on the island paradise
Scar Finger:
Look at it just look at it
Scar Finger:
My dive instructor from the Netherlands
Scar Finger:
botela numero dos
Scar Finger:
Drinking Flor di Cana on Water cay with an Aussie
Scar Finger:
recompression chamber
Scar Finger:
Early morning storm clouds
Scar Finger:
Sandy Bay, Utila
Scar Finger:
I always have a goof look on my face when I get drunk
Scar Finger:
Funniest T-shirt
Scar Finger:
Amy getting some hugs
Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
Da Girls
Scar Finger:
Scar Finger:
Michaels a BBQ genius
Scar Finger:
Marwee, janster, and Stantesticlese
Scar Finger:
Now try and get your beer.
Scar Finger:
Loving the camera
Scar Finger:
Marie is giggley about cake
Scar Finger:
B cake for B girl