hynkle: 20160101-DSC_1984
sikaheimo: quadrantids 2016
Rob Millenaar: Bottles and jars
tokyohanna: Lost.
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund: Or wait, would that make me a "wienerdoodle"?!
CaptPiper: Viceroy
Doug Ensel: NJ Turnpike and LVRR
haberlea: Kerria
Rob Millenaar: Mellow Yellow in Bo-Kaap
Rob Millenaar: Reflecting on Bo-Kaap
Gawain Jones Photo: Forms in the Night
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_9611
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_3060
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_1936
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund: Crusoe for president.. What's your vote?!
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_9820
Gawain Jones Photo: DSC_9870
Lachlan Main: LANCASHIRE. St. Annes. Taking The Sun.
CaptPiper: Flying over what I think is Tennessee after they had snow last week.
NEPA Scene: M.J. McLaughlin Funeral Service
haberlea: Frosty Edges
Ray Cunningham: Sunset Silhouette
Doug Ensel: Harbor Seal
Daniel Regner: Motel Restaurant
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund: "Dachshing through the wiener wonderland"
Rob Millenaar: Cormorant Heaven
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund: Lookin' handsome with a light dusting of snow crystals on my face..