scaredsquee: 1/365: it begins
scaredsquee: 2/365: snowflake on an icicle
scaredsquee: 3/365: dotting tools and yellow polish
scaredsquee: 4/365: telescope ring from thinkgeek
scaredsquee: 5/365: divine the cat
scaredsquee: 6/365: holy shit couscous is ridiculously easy to make.
scaredsquee: 7/365: what's in my bag
scaredsquee: 8/365: battle station
scaredsquee: 9/365: rainbow dot mani
scaredsquee: 10/365: necklaces
scaredsquee: 11/365: dinner and dessert
scaredsquee: 12/365: reddish fake flowers
scaredsquee: 13/365: dinner with handmade naan
scaredsquee: 14/365: quarters only for tv
scaredsquee: 15/365: home sweet home
scaredsquee: 16/365: Yearly check up.
scaredsquee: 17/365: little plastic castle inspired
scaredsquee: 18/365: caribbean burger @ the v spot
scaredsquee: 19/365: sunset
scaredsquee: 20/365: salt lake city antiques show
scaredsquee: 21/365: brown bird on rob's birthday
scaredsquee: 22/365: bookshelf and antiques
scaredsquee: 23/365: snow on the back of a Do Not Enter sign
scaredsquee: 24/365: holographic!!
scaredsquee: 25/365: twinkling ceiling
scaredsquee: 26/365: rob's new boots
scaredsquee: 27/365: 2 minutes to midnight, almost forgot.
scaredsquee: 28/365: waiting to pick up rob from school
scaredsquee: 29/365: Dragon something salmon @ TGIFriday's
scaredsquee: 30/365: naan