Gio guarda le stelle: Dolomiti - The enchanted lake
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): He's giving me the look of DEFIANCE!.....D800
silviamancini: Remember the beginning of summer in Tuscany
Abulafia82: E qui? / And here?
Abulafia82: Cascate di Monte Gelato
Abulafia82: Vicoli di Bucchianico / Alleys of Bucchianico
levaletfrancois: La petite maison dans le semis (Calvados-FR)
MattiaVaresi: fireworks
MattiaVaresi: ponte tav
Saimon Photos: In flight: Reims FR-172H Reims Rocket
AnZanov: Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino 2014-09-19 143826
Abulafia82: Lago Selva di Cardito
Helene Kertész: Avevo un sogno.
l-vandervegt: Twickel
yoann bdx: Asnelles
Daveyboy_75: Across Bala Lake - The Aran Mountains
drugodragodiego: Colored Taijitu
drugodragodiego: Autunno in vigna [Explored 2014.11.11]
Radek Smektala: Before the storm
zipponio: artigiani al lavoro
Alessandro Andrioli: Mantova Laghi
Alessandro Andrioli: Laghi di Mantova
zipponio: Firenze in abito da sera
Tore Thiis Fjeld: Late November II (Explored)
l-vandervegt: Strandhuisjes De Koog (2014)
MontImageMedia - In Memoriam: "Dispersing Home" An artist's impression of a special bombing raid on Peenemunde, 17th and 18th August 1943.
Grab a shot: The Black Country Living Museum - IMG_6435
Grab a shot: Pickering WW II Weekend