scapix: Tanbark II
scapix: Red Shutters, Pau
scapix: Quilted Wall, Blue Shutters, Pau, France
scapix: Arc 2
scapix: Eiffel 2
scapix: Pyramide
scapix: Arc I
scapix: Eiffel I
scapix: Manor Park Walk
scapix: Fall Tree, Larchmont
scapix: Two Flags
scapix: Byram Shore Road, Greenwich
scapix: Central Park, Late Afternoon
scapix: Late Harvest, Blue Sky Farm
scapix: Red Shade, Lamoine, ME
scapix: Dragon Coaster, Rye, NY
scapix: Palm Springs
scapix: Ocotillo 2
scapix: Gardens of Acadia
scapix: Rebar Trees at the Getty Center
scapix: Treeline, Redfield Street, Rye, NY
scapix: Contrail II
scapix: Game Cock Island, Greenwich
scapix: Tide Mill, Rye
scapix: Tenders, Islesford Maine
scapix: Photoville III
scapix: Photoville II
scapix: Photoville I
scapix: Rye Trees IV
scapix: Kirby Pond