riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Gorman 3 stage centrifugal 1000 Gallon pumper. 75 gallon water tank, 6 Cylinder 144 HP motor. Driven to Youngstown, Oh. In 1912 for an Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention from Columbus, Oh
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Hose Wagon driven to 1912 Fire Chiefs Convention in Youngstown, Ohio with 1912 Seagrave Gorman Pumper from Columbus, Ohio
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Gorman centrifigal pumper on the way to an Ohio Fire Chiefs convention in Youngstown, Ohio. Julius Stone on left with Chas. Kaiser, Supt. Of The Seagrave Corp. driving. Julius Stone’s son is standing in front of truck
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Gorman Centrifigal pumper at a Pump test demonstration at the Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention in Youngstown, Ohio October 17, 1912. a Columbus Chief officer in uniform is standing near the rear of the pump.
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Gorman centrifigal pumper runs into a ditch on a trip to a Youngstown, Ohio Fire Chiefs convention
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Gorman Pumper is pulled out a ditch enroute to Youngstown, Oh. Chiefs Convention. On seat is Clarence Wonders, a Seagave tester. Rt. is Chas. Jorgensen, Seagrave blacksmith shop. Columbus, Oh. Fire Chief J.A. Welsh & CFD Chas. Garrett Left.
riverrat18: 1912 Seagrave Hose Wagon driven to Youngstown, Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention for a demonstration October 13-19, 1912. The wagon was attempting to cross a bridge but had to be pulled back by the pumper traveling with it.
riverrat18: Pumper 17 1913 Seagrave Gorman Pumper with crew members
riverrat18: Allen J. "Spike" Drugan Columbus, Ohio Citizen Journal photographer