Pumper 17 1913 Seagrave Gorman Pumper with crew members
Streetcar 702 and another labelled “Fair Grounds" were part of the Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Company line travel east on Chestnut St. Engine House 16 can be seen in the distance at Chestnut St. at N. Fourth in Columbus, Oh. Circa 1941-1948
Photos in this album are by Allen J. "Spike" Drugan Columbus, Ohio Citizen Journal newspaper photographer deceased 1987.
Ohio Electric Department Depot Office 1910 at E. Town & S. Third Streets in Columbus, Ohio
Old Stage Coaches line up on High Street in 1912 for Centennial Celebration 1812-1912 in downtown Columbus, Ohio
Dog Catcher Trolley Car No. 424 at the West Side Car barn during street car strike of 1910 Columbus, Ohio
Allen J. "Spike" Drugan Columbus, Ohio Citizen Journal photographer
1912 Seagrave Gorman centrifigal pumper runs into a ditch on a trip to a Youngstown, Ohio Fire Chiefs convention
1912 Seagrave Gorman centrifigal pumper on the way to an Ohio Fire Chiefs convention in Youngstown, Ohio. Julius Stone on left with Chas. Kaiser, Supt. Of The Seagrave Corp. driving. Julius Stone’s son is standing in front of truck
1912 Seagrave Gorman 3 stage centrifugal 1000 Gallon pumper. 75 gallon water tank, 6 Cylinder 144 HP motor. Driven to Youngstown, Oh. In 1912 for an Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention from Columbus, Oh
1912 Seagrave Hose Wagon driven to 1912 Fire Chiefs Convention in Youngstown, Ohio with 1912 Seagrave Gorman Pumper from Columbus, Ohio
1912 Seagrave Hose Wagon driven to Youngstown, Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention for a demonstration October 13-19, 1912. The wagon was attempting to cross a bridge but had to be pulled back by the pumper traveling with it.
1912 Seagrave Gorman Centrifigal pumper at a Pump test demonstration at the Ohio Fire Chiefs Convention in Youngstown, Ohio October 17, 1912. a Columbus Chief officer in uniform is standing near the rear of the pump.
1912 Seagrave Gorman Pumper is pulled out a ditch enroute to Youngstown, Oh. Chiefs Convention. On seat is Clarence Wonders, a Seagave tester. Rt. is Chas. Jorgensen, Seagrave blacksmith shop. Columbus, Oh. Fire Chief J.A. Welsh & CFD Chas. Garrett Left.
Corner of S. High St. at Town St. at the site of the Lazarus Dept Ca. 1925-26. In lower right corner is a cover to a water cistern (between the streetcar tracks) and combination police call and fire alarm box on a pedestal Columbus, Ohio
S. High St. North from Rich St. near the F&R Lazarus Store 1913-1914 Columbus, Ohio
F&R Lazarus Store in 1925 at N.W. corner at S. High St at Town St. in Columbus, Ohio
F & R Lazarus' Block building on Southwest corner of Town Street and High Street 1895-1909 Columbus, Ohio
Corner of S. High St. at Town St. at the site of the Lazarus Dept Ca. 1925-26. In lower right corner is a cover to a water cistern and combination police call and fire alarm box on a pedestal Columbus, ohio
LeVeque Tower site at the N.E. corner of West Broad St. at N. Front St. C. 1923 Columbus, Ohio
Getting a ride to the Ohio State Fair during the street car strike of 1910 in Columbus, Ohio
Columbus Ohio street car strike of 1910
No. 1 Headquarters Engine House at N. Front St. at Elm St. In 1941 the building began condemnation proceedings. In 1944 the last apparatus moved out and in 1954 the station was razed. Columbus, Ohio Fire Department
No. 1 Headquarters Engine House at N. Front St. at Elm St. In 1941 the building began condemnation proceedings. In 1944 the last apparatus moved out and in 1954 the station was razed. Columbus, Ohio Fire Department
Fireman unknown of hat badge of No. 6 Engine House Columbus, Ohio Fire Department
James C. Woodard was deputy warden at the Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio at the time of the 1930 Ohio Penitentiary Fire. He was later appointed to warden until 1939
Intersection of W Spring St. and Dennison Ave. in Columbus, Ohio showing the penitentiary auto tag facility (263-267 W. Spring), the Ross-Willoughby Co. (269 W. Spring), and the penitentiary garage (297 W. Spring). The river can be seen in the background.
During the Ohio Penitentiary Fire on April 30, 1930 U.S. Army and Navy personnel used the Ohio State BMV on Spring Street as a Headquarters in Columbus, Ohio._
A crowd gathers at the corner of Spring St. and West St. near the Ohio Penitentiary April 1930. Military personnel block the street at the railroad bridge over Spring St. after the fire that killed 322 inmates in Columbus, Ohio
Military unit gathered near the Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio April 1930