christopheradler: Immature Phainopepla
K Schneider: Phainopepla male
Bill Halladay: Phainopepla Male JV
Marty Molina: Phainopepla-Juv-my- (6)
tomslaterphotography: Least Bittern chick_1939
tomslaterphotography: Least Bittern chick_1931
Treebeard: Close encounter with a fledgling California Spotted Owl aka Southern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis)
CameraShyMom: Momma?
dianna.ricky: Goleta slough
Bill Bouton: Least Bittern, Ixobrychus exilis
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Malibu Heron on the Balance Beam