sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Hooded Oriole female adult feeding 3 fledglings
sbfledgling: Lark Sparrow
sbfledgling: Lark Sparrow with raised crest
sbfledgling: Lark Sparrow with raised crest
sbfledgling: young Black-headed Grosbeak begging
sbfledgling: young Black-headed Grosbeak begging
sbfledgling: adult male Black-headed Grosbeak feeds the young bird
sbfledgling: Lesser Goldfinch with minimal wing markings
sbfledgling: Hummingbird antics - I didn't know its tongue could do that.
sbfledgling: Hummingbirds vie for perches until a male Rufous clears them out.
sbfledgling: a Black-chinned guards 2 feeders