sbfledgling: Adult Red-tailed Hawk
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk tearing eucalyptus
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk tearing eucalyptus
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk tearing eucalyptus
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk tearing eucalyptus
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
sbfledgling: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
sbfledgling: Whimbrels
sbfledgling: Caspian Tern
sbfledgling: Snowy Plover chicks
sbfledgling: Great Blue Heron and Great Egret juveniles
sbfledgling: Great Egrets gather to eat as adult lands
sbfledgling: Juvenile Great Egrets feeding