wiredforlego: Maoi Mural by Mr. Say
TLC<3: Party time with Mr. Rabbit. This one's a gift for a friend I haven't met yet @brikslovesyou photo cred: @msbrainstorm #thelostcause #winstonthewhale #painting #portland #rabbit #partytime
Paul Hehn: picassosay
SKAM sticker: best viewed if enlarged - Seattle WA
N.O.Bonzo: Prometheus
madone025: Sticker Phiends #5 / Printed Matters Install
/// SWLK: Combo
SKAM sticker: Finding your visual assault
N.O.Bonzo: LookingGlassLanguage
N.O.Bonzo: BleedingHeartsAndArtists
EndlessCanvas.com: BLUTT Sticker - Portland, OR
topherhulett: improved sign on Belmont Mk2
Street Grapes: 15,000 And Up.
andres musta: something old something new
evokerone: Mob deck by Evoker
VORZERO: Crack Baby Chaos
Johnny Tragedy: Tragedy Strikes Again
SEAMO ONE: "To Hell & Back" - Canvas 24" X 18" approx. (On Exhibition)
/// SWLK: Mr. Say Microcosm
2efs STICK AROUND!!! expo: 2efs & caineleculipici
Stine Machine: my first combo :)
2efs STICK AROUND!!! expo: collab with mr.say
pible: present for me from Farouk (mustazz'de gomm') http://www.flickr.com/photos/60076919@N03