Sawatch Joe: Sacred Moments!
Sawatch Joe: Winter Setting In
Sawatch Joe: Crescent Dawn
Sawatch Joe: Ororgraphic Cloud
Sawatch Joe: Transition
Sawatch Joe: Daybreak Rhapsody
Sawatch Joe: Dawn Lights
Sawatch Joe: Snow Clouds Gathering
Sawatch Joe: Bright & Early at the Ranch
Sawatch Joe: Morning Has Broken
Sawatch Joe: Morning Reflection
Sawatch Joe: Morning Grandeur
Sawatch Joe: Autumn River
Sawatch Joe: Autumn Closing In
Sawatch Joe: Rippled Reflection
Sawatch Joe: Bend in the River
Sawatch Joe: Autumn Resplendence
Sawatch Joe: Golden Hour Reflection
Sawatch Joe: Pronghorn
Sawatch Joe: Walking Up A Rocky Mountain High
Sawatch Joe: Colorful Cottonwood Corridor
Sawatch Joe: Colorful Autumn Creek
Sawatch Joe: Golden Avalanche
Sawatch Joe: Red & Gold Aspen Road
Sawatch Joe: High Country Autumn Day
Sawatch Joe: Aspen Fire
Sawatch Joe: "Country Roads, Take me..."
Sawatch Joe: Autumn Panorama
Sawatch Joe: Autumn Day at the Lake
Sawatch Joe: Autumn's Glory