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albums of couragetoresist
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August 24, 2013. Vancouver, BC. Emergency Rally for PVT Chelsea Manning!
August 21, 2013. Boston. Rally on day of sentencing!
August 15, 2013. Bradley Manning childhood
August 10, 2013. Reykjavik. Pride Parade.
July 27, 2013. New York City. Rally for Bradley Manning.
July 27, 2013. Chicago, IL. Rally for Bradley!
July 27, 2013. Minneapolis rally for Bradley!
July 26, 2013. Phoenix, AZ.
July 26, 2013. Ft McNair -Tell Buchanan to Free Bradley Manning!
June 30, 2013. Seattle Pride.
June 30, 2013. San Francisco Pride march!
June 6, 2013. Kansas City rally for Bradley
June 1-8 protest highlights
June 1, 2013. Portland, Maine
June 1, 2013. Brussels. Free Bradley Manning!
June 1, 2013. Toledo, OH
June 1, 2013. South Korea. Free Bradley Manning!
June 1, 2013. Rome. Free Bradley Manning Rally!
June 1, 2013. Tuscon, AZ. Free Bradley Manning!
June 1, 2013. Medford, Oregon. Rally for Bradley Manning!
June 1, 2013. London, UK protest for Bradley!
Fort Meade. June 1, 2013. Rally for Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. WISEUP ACTION. 1000 days in prison without trial!
Featured photos
April 5, 2013. BIrgitta Jonsdottir event in NYC on the anniversary of Collateral Murder
March 3, 2013. St Patrick's Day For All Parade
March 8, 2013. Kabul, Afghanistan.
Feb 23, 2013. Denver. 1000 days in prison without trial is not justice!
Feb 23, 2013. New York City. 1000 days in prison without trial is not justice.
Feb 23, 2013. Philadelphia. 1000 days in prison without trial is not justice!
Feb 23, 2013. Washington DC. Ryan Harvey performing at Bradley Manning benefit. 1000 days in prison without trial is not justice.
Feb 23, 2013. South Korea. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. Kalamazoo, MI. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning.
Feb 23, 2013. Vancouver, BC. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Toledo, OH.
Feb 23, 2013. Cardiff, Wales. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning
Feb 23, 2013. St Louis. Kiener Square. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning.
Feb 23, 2013. London. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. Long Beach. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Berkeley. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. France. 1000 days in prison without trial
1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Houston. 1000 days without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Boston. 1000 days without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Honolulu. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. Tuscon, AZ. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. Studio City. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Minneapolis. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. Corvallis, Oregon. 1000 days in prison without trial. Free Bradley Manning!
Feb 23, 2013. Tallahase rally for Bradley. 1000 days in prison without trial.
Feb 23, 2013. San Francisco. 1,000 days in prison without trial.
Jan 9, 2013. Occupy Freirn Barnet Library.
Dec. 17, 2012. Happy Birthday Bradley!
December 3rd, 2012. Presentation by David Coombs
Nov. 27th, 2012. Paris. Rally for Bradley
November 27, 2012. Berkeley Rally for Bradley!
November 27th, Motion Hearing, unlawful pretrial punishment
September 6, 2012. NYC.
September 6, 2012. Albuquerque, New Mexico action
September 6, 2012. Washington, DC action
Sept. 6th, 2012. Photos from national actions
DNC Sept. 6th, 2012.
Oakland, CA. August 16th. Obama Campaign.
Chicago. June 24, 2012. Pride parade, 2012!
New York City. Pride 2012 Parade!
SF Pride Parade. June 24, 2012.
Salina, Kansas. June 8-9th, 2012. Solidarity rally!
Fort Meade. Motion Hearing. June 6th, 2012.
Chicago NATO Summit protest!
Vancouver rally for Bradley! April 26th, 2012
Solidarity from around the world.
Washington DC Metro Ads
Salina, Kansas. Apr 22-25. Plant seeds of truth. Free Bradley Manning.
Oakland, April 24th 2012. Free Bradley Manning Rally.
Kansas City Rally April 25th
Fort Meade. Vigil. Motion Hearing April 25th.
Occupy DOJ April 24th, 2012
Bradley Manning. Inspiring Actions Around the World.
Art for Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning Motion Hearing March 15th, 2012
Billboard in Washington en route to Ft Meade
Manhattan, KS Rally for Bradley - Dec 17
Birgitta Jónsdóttir speaks at Reykjavik rally
San Francisco Dec 17th Rally
Bradley Manning support in Philadelphia
Occupy Nashville Supports Bradley Manning
Solidarity with Bradley from Oaklahoma
Fort Meade - Bradley Manning's pretrial hearing
Happy Birthday Bradley - Adelaide, Australia
Candlelight vigil in Ashland, Oregon
Athens Protest US Embassy
San Francisco Rally Nov 2011
San Francisco Pride Parade
Fort Leavenworth Rally, June 4 2011
Quantico Protest March 20th, 2011
Rally and Civil Disobedience, DC March 19th 2011
Photos of Bradley Manning