Savage Chickens: When he's not sitting in a pot, Crumble likes to mix it up a little and sit in a bucket. #adventure
Savage Chickens: Coloring coloring coloring! Lots left to do on book 2 of #lasermoose but definitely making good progress! :)
Savage Chickens: Just got the color test for LM&RB2 and it is looking awesome! :-)
Savage Chickens: Phew! Just finished drawing all 144 pages of the new Laser Moose book, and boy are my arms tired!
Savage Chickens: Starting the final draft of a perilous page 122. #lasermooseandrabbitboy #discofever
Savage Chickens: Stealth mode.
Savage Chickens: Breaking News: Cat Reluctantly Shares Windowsill
Savage Chickens: Just drew Page 100 of LM&RB 2. Making progress!
Savage Chickens: I built a gorilla. #megabloks
Savage Chickens: Damn you, faulty jamless Peak Frean!
Savage Chickens: Day 3 of Vancouver Fan Expo!
Savage Chickens: Laser Moose sketch at Fan Expo.
Savage Chickens: Doodled a cat maze here at Day 2 of the Fan Expo
Savage Chickens: Doodling at the Fan Expo...
Savage Chickens: Ready to roll here at Fan Expo Vancouver!
Savage Chickens: I'm totally geeking out about being next to Snoopy on this catalog! :)
Savage Chickens: The magic lives on.
Savage Chickens: Mailing out books, and explaining the tooth marks.
Savage Chickens: Win my new book and a Laser Moose t-shirt in this year's Halloween contest!
Savage Chickens: Finally picked up a copy of Godzilla in Hell. Absolutely loving James Stokoe's art!
Savage Chickens: Got a fresh batch of moose in the mail today! Thanks @andrewsmcmeel!
Savage Chickens: Having trouble accessing my laptop.
Savage Chickens: I keep a list of all the characters I've drawn in Savage Chickens comics. It's a weird list.
Savage Chickens: Escape key.
Savage Chickens: Final version of my toxic waste maze now online!
Savage Chickens: Janet made this laser-cut wooden dinosaur house at the Vancouver Hack Space. Cool!
Savage Chickens: Drawing in books! #lasermoose
Savage Chickens: Sketching tomorrow's chicken, who is stuck in the office.
Savage Chickens: Got some more copies of Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy in the mail today. Yay!