lee hun: HUN_7611
naza.carraro: Few Minutes Before Sunset In Kuala Lumpur
michel h2: rayos sobre la bahia - santander
Postsumptio: Allführung
Qi Bo (Ezio Famà): Pochi si rendono conto che la loro morte coinciderà con la fine dell'universo. (Few people realize that their death will coincide with the end of the universe.) – Gesualdo Bufalino.
cleancare: the beatles
Teolc Eniger: 1,2,3...
In Memoriam: HJSP82: IMG_6445-3
Saviourine: Strandkörbe & Leuchtfeuer
ddsnet: 荷花 Lotus
Stefan Beckhusen: Airborne 5330
Bienenwabe: The flower of an autumn aster.
Greh Fox: Housefly shot 1
d_pate1: Buntstifte
molle50D: Deichtorcenter
molle50D: Häuserschlucht