frankmetcalf: Gaea's fingers / les doigts de Gaïa (Explored)
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 57 of "The temples and ritual of Asklepios at Epidauros and Athens. Two lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain" (1900)
desire.stezeban: Erase II
johann.kisaame: Petal Drops II - Mt Airy, Philadelphia - PA_Web 1-Q_Scaled
johann.kisaame: From The Garden - Mt Airy, Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA - Web 1_Scaled
johann.kisaame: Desk, Windows and Two Chests - Washington House - Valley Forge, PA - USA _Web 1_Scaled
w_a_k_a_: ◼︎
w_a_k_a_: ー △ ⚫︎
w_a_k_a_: In a dream 47
w_a_k_a_: In a dream 46
w_a_k_a_: In a dream 4
w_a_k_a_: In a dream 42
w_a_k_a_: In a dream 22
Ama Aura: untitled
KirillSokolov: DSC07879-редакт
KirillSokolov: DSC07888-редакт
KirillSokolov: DSC07891-редакт