hello_satsukishibuya: jennifer (@jenniferyoungstudio) you made tangible my soul energy and inner self, allowing me to share it in a way that others may find more accessible. truly talented and a beautiful soul through and through, thank you for capturing my spirit. ❤️ y
hello_satsukishibuya: search, for the quiet, within the storm. / 台風の中で 心の静けさを 探す。
hello_satsukishibuya: still smitten by this piece.
hello_satsukishibuya: hello 👋🐶
hello_satsukishibuya: a scene that lingers.
hello_satsukishibuya: a #quiet #morning — #contemplating, #expanding, #being. / #静か な#朝 ー #考える、#心 が#広がる、#命 を#実感 する。
hello_satsukishibuya: reminds me of a lovely older lady i met at a nearby restaurant after viewing the @royalacademyofarts summer show who shared her thoughts about the current art scene compared to art during her time. "although technically, the pieces created are eye catchi
hello_satsukishibuya: remembering how wonderfully little i felt in the presence of history.
hello_satsukishibuya: good morning. settling back into the rhythm of los angeles while sorting through the last of the london photos. much learned and felt.
hello_satsukishibuya: happy to finally see the shop on person, @monoclemagazine. the collaboration pieces are beautiful. / 前から行きたいと思っていたお店。素敵なコラボ作品が沢山あり、目が😍。
hello_satsukishibuya: did not expect to see this when walking past an unassuming church. spectacular.
hello_satsukishibuya: going to miss you, london, but excited to get back. looking forward to channeling inspiration from the trip into the physical realm.
hello_satsukishibuya: good morning. 👋 time to explore. / おはよう。冒険タイム。
hello_satsukishibuya: lingering thoughts from yesterday's exhibition.
hello_satsukishibuya: can you be any more beautiful, london.
hello_satsukishibuya: nature taking over in the most beautiful ways. / 自然と街とのコラボの美しさ。
hello_satsukishibuya: taking in as much as possible.
hello_satsukishibuya: thankful for the suggestion to visit the summer exhibition at @royalacademyofarts. definitely confirmed a message received a few weeks ago to paint larger. thank you @siobhan_lin_ ❤️
hello_satsukishibuya: good morning. / おはよう。
hello_satsukishibuya: letting things flow. / ありのままで。
hello_satsukishibuya: #love you, #london.
hello_satsukishibuya: let us be #present in this #moment, #together, #deeply, #fully, for #life is fleeting, and moments spent #pondering the #past or #future, is life passing without fully living.
hello_satsukishibuya: no matter where i may live, my soul always desires to be near the ocean.
hello_satsukishibuya: soon, soon, soon. / もうすぐ、もうすぐ、もうすぐ。
hello_satsukishibuya: been waiting and now it's you and me time.
hello_satsukishibuya: UNICORN / \ / : \ // dedicated to all who dream and continue to believe in their dreams.
hello_satsukishibuya: #humidity, a sudden #thunderstorm and #flashbacks of #singapore. / #蒸し暑さ と#突然 の#雷雨 で#シンガポール を#思い出す。
hello_satsukishibuya: #thoughts under the #moonlight: why are we #afraid to be #vulnerable and instead, #choose to #live #life according to others? #月 の下での#考え事: 何故#私達 は#心 を#開ける のを#恐れ、#他人 が望んでいる生き方を変わりに#選ぶ のであろうか?