sathi87: kanchanjangha
sathi87: Night crawler
sathi87: DSC_0086-4
sathi87: DSC_0061-7
sathi87: DSC_0048-5
sathi87: DSC_0069-3
sathi87: DSC_0026-4
sathi87: DSC_0011-3
sathi87: DSC_0022-2
sathi87: DSC_0014-7
sathi87: DSC_0046-3
sathi87: DSC_0023-3
sathi87: Untitled-5
sathi87: senescence
sathi87: Hoping for a better tomorrow
sathi87: Traveller
sathi87: run of joy
sathi87: gourdaho4
sathi87: agartala tripura 292
sathi87: Crossing the track
sathi87: Countdown
sathi87: DSC_0191-2
sathi87: The twilight glow of the sky
sathi87: Don't stop walking down the street just because it's raining!!!
sathi87: DSC_0090-4
sathi87: DSC_0088-3
sathi87: perfume garden
sathi87: NATURE
sathi87: thrust
sathi87: indespensable newspaper