.sashi: passing through
.sashi: kitsch me kate
.sashi: Christmas morning
.sashi: téléféerique
.sashi: A walk in the woods
.sashi: En déméneigement (Digging Out)
.sashi: Sky ghost plugging in France Telecom
.sashi: Pralines!
.sashi: You're going on my wall.
.sashi: flutter on
.sashi: Mission aborted...
.sashi: When a yummy hot chocolate just isn't enough
.sashi: on the road
.sashi: Santa's letter... check
.sashi: and here it is (the pot of gold, I mean :)
.sashi: Exploring our planet
.sashi: Hot peppers?
.sashi: Break time
.sashi: Flower gathering mission
.sashi: dining room
.sashi: Café Américain Amsterdam
.sashi: setting up
.sashi: 1, 2, 3
.sashi: just one bouquet before bed
.sashi: la valise
.sashi: Metro Gogo Dodo
.sashi: daydream
.sashi: cappucino anxieties
.sashi: Et si on coupait ta head, daddy?