.sashi: Notre Dame de Pipet, pont en hiver
.sashi: Waiting for a train
.sashi: gère valley
.sashi: steel donkey, folkswagon, temple.
.sashi: LCL, BNP, Banque Populaire, Marie
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.sashi: Saône (quartier Perrache à Lyon)
.sashi: pipe dreams in St. Claude
.sashi: mais où est caché crédit agricole?
.sashi: playing cctv still-cam
.sashi: forgive me. this may be a calque some day
.sashi: Pipes and Diamonds and Parking and Bridges.
.sashi: ceci n'est pas l'office de tourisme
.sashi: Press on(,) main street wall!
.sashi: Viva le los'wageous.
.sashi: The joyful hill's parking lot
.sashi: deck the roads with neon diamonds,
.sashi: the early bird
.sashi: Cours Lafayette
.sashi: Alley cats, allez!
.sashi: .
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.sashi: climbing up the montée
.sashi: city hall