Sasha DeWitt: Spent the day at my lovely friend's fabric shop Backstitch at Burwash Manor near Cambridge. What a lovely rainbow of colours amidst this late autumn grey. @backstitchshop #sewing #fabric #thread #felt
Sasha DeWitt: Finally I've picked up the frame and put The Mooneater in my shop! #etsy #etsyuk #embroidery #handstitched #handmade
Sasha DeWitt: Learning surface pattern design. Week one. #abspdm1 #Moldiv
Sasha DeWitt: Twigs, leaves from walk. Plus imagined apple and scary blobs. #abspdm1
Sasha DeWitt: Mooneater slowly getting done in spare time with my favourite stitch (honeycomb)...#embroidery #handstitched
Sasha DeWitt: Happy October. #dailydoodle
Sasha DeWitt: First day of October. I'm in short sleeves. Am I in the right country?
Sasha DeWitt: Back to school! It's all about the books. #picturebooks
Sasha DeWitt: First pumpkin pie of the season! #pumpkinpie
Sasha DeWitt: Beautiful bug in studio. Is it bad I wished I'd found it dead so it could join my dead bug collection? Don't worry I set it free. Even though it's autumn and its days are numbered anyway...maybe it'll come die outside my window when the time comes.
Sasha DeWitt: Dummy book day...#illustration #illustrations #dummybook #snails
Sasha DeWitt: Today's work... #monoprinting #printmaking #printing #monoprints #snails
Sasha DeWitt: Let the character studies begin. #illustration
Sasha DeWitt: For those who like to get an early start on these things...Christmas cards are now available in the shop. #etsy #etsyuk #printing #printmaking #christmascards
Sasha DeWitt: Next project...getting the sticky notes storyboard ready for a 32 page children's book. #storyboard #storyboards #storyboarding
Sasha DeWitt: Getting ready for Christmas markets/fairs... #printing #printmaking #christmascards
Sasha DeWitt: W.i.p. the mooneater unless it becomes something else. #embroidery #handstitched
Sasha DeWitt: Some days I just can't's dinner time so I must! #printing #printmaking
Sasha DeWitt: Today's printing...five legged beast. #printmaking #printing
Sasha DeWitt: Thought it was a popcorn kernel, but upon closer inspection it's a decapitated...bee? Fly? It'll be joining my shelf of other dead bugs... #studio
Sasha DeWitt: Finally! I'd destroyed the plate in a fit of frustration. Then taped it back together in regret. Now it's in my shop. #etsyuk #etsy #lino #linocuts #printmaking
Sasha DeWitt: Some new threads...#embroidery
Sasha DeWitt: explearning copy
Sasha DeWitt: Orange Embroidered Giraffe
Sasha DeWitt: Giraffe...
Sasha DeWitt: Testing...testing part 2
Sasha DeWitt: Testing...testing...
Sasha DeWitt: sand giraffe
Sasha DeWitt: cousin pillowfight
Sasha DeWitt: day002