sarmiento glass: sarmiento_comb
sarmiento glass: 50 kilo sample in big kiln
sarmiento glass: Helen hits the details with a cotton bud.
sarmiento glass: IMG_5902
sarmiento glass: river line detail printed
sarmiento glass: screenprinting
sarmiento glass: Helen and the rest of the hand drawn map, a full two and a half days later
sarmiento glass: matching the river line drawing to the waterjet cut blue panel
sarmiento glass: 7 hours later
sarmiento glass: Helen and raili and on the full scale tracing of the Mersey river
sarmiento glass: an early ink tracing sample
sarmiento glass: old liverpool map ca 1840
sarmiento glass: 5 March studio view
sarmiento glass: Raili setting up the kiln
sarmiento glass: waterjet cut river detail
sarmiento glass: Helen and Raili setting up the kiln.
sarmiento glass: puzzling. some components for this panel are .5mm thick
sarmiento glass: more waterjet cutting
sarmiento glass: lifting blue panel into waterjet cutter
sarmiento glass: making the Mersey: constructing an extra long sheet of blue to create the river cutout
sarmiento glass: cnc code
sarmiento glass: Cutting contours
sarmiento glass: overall map cutting plan
sarmiento glass: 19 February
sarmiento glass: white roadmap for first layer.
sarmiento glass: front layer printed, fused and cut. notice the 2mm bridges to keep the tiny parts from falling into the waterjet bed
sarmiento glass: first printed layer-Liverpool's historical origins
sarmiento glass: map sections 5-6
sarmiento glass: Help arrives--Erasmus Intern Helen
sarmiento glass: double screen printing action on our custom table