paullouisheinrich: Thurber' Wirelettuce II
Jeff Mitton: stemless daisy on colorful sandstone
Jeff Mitton: Ponderosa and the Lateral Moraine
geojoek: Farmington River Trail
Jeff Mitton: Butt Shot
Jeff Mitton: Squabble--Iguana vs Bonaire Whiptails
S. Rae: Pinus contorta subsp. murrayana (Tamarack Pine or Sierra Lodgepole Pine)
Lutz Koch: Pollen
geojoek: Unseasonably warm day.
sandphin: DSCF5829
geojoek: Sunset 2.15.19
paullouisheinrich: Spring Storm Kaibab Plateau.
paullouisheinrich: Townsend Daisy (Townsendia sp.) Kaibab Plateau
Samovaari: Cocoa
M Fortune: Migraine
Stacy Ann Young: Migraine
jkgoya: IMG_0464
Laurin Corrigible: Left: Rattlesnake plantain (goodyera pubescens). One of the most common orchids in North America. Right: Ghost pipe (monotropa uniflora). Unlike most plants, it is white and does not contain chlorophyll. Instead of generating energy from sunlight, it is
Laurin Corrigible: Linville Gorge
WIP Hairport: twin cuts
minuteexuberance: time passing-1
Laurin Corrigible: Bolin Creek
JBYoder: 2014.02.21 - Alumni center
Dendroica cerulea: Sumac berries
minuteexuberance: Orange sunset illumination
WIP Hairport: subtle short
WIP Hairport: subtle short