Herculeus.: Vietnam - Halong Bay
ayashok photography: Sri Nanjundeshwara Temple, Nanjanagudu, Mysore
sergiojose: African Jabiru
respiraelviento: namibia 16
Spice ♥ 浦辻リン: Yellow against Green
►CubaGallery: new zealand
gordeau: Smile Please and Move Back a Bit
subhramani: The Little Tusker, Bandipur Wildlife Reserve
n&s I Photography: Métropolitain
8lits: lavignassa
kismekate: Pshhh
Amar Ramesh Photography: I wear hat when its bright
harimenon4u: Blessed
JMR Visuals: Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall...
alfonsolopez: Cameeeellloooooo.
Janne Merjovaara: 78.8 ºFahrenheit...
Janne Merjovaara: Mutual respect...
Sireii's Photography: You Came To Me
Nebojsa Mladjenovic: 672 Le Cheval Blanc
Deep-Fried Goodness: In The Tower
Sourig: 12:05 AM
gian.franco: Bimbe nepalesi
Nebojsa Mladjenovic: 653 St-Agnan Bourgogne
hawkgenes: Barn owl flying silently home - tyto alba
Dominique Palombieri: Vote for this picture: Moonlight reflexion on the snow in Monument Valley - The Mittens - Arizona