Ainsley Joseph: 38/52_setup
SemiCharmedLife (☯): the Son Sessions
Markus Schwarze: New York City Street Portrait #8
Markus Schwarze: Malia for NINE TO FIVE
Jeroen Nieuwhuis: Sofie Barendsen
Rob Woodcox: The Juggling Act
Rob Woodcox: Ghost in the Forest
Lorella T.: Dorianna_8
Jordan Kuder: Untitled
Oleg Ti: Sonya
jarrodreno: Marianne Hagstrom
jarrodreno: Jolene Shima
Jordan Kuder: untitled
loganzillmer: 198/365 - The Weight of Expectation
Pacoaletta: Laura
loganzillmer: 192/365 - The Bluff - Sunset
Cameron John Sarradet: the past was the rings of his eyes
loganzillmer: 109/365 - And Spring Came At Once
loganzillmer: 144/365 - Found Wandering
loganzillmer: 160/365 - Midnight Adventure
loganzillmer: 159/365 - Wondrous Nature
loganzillmer: 191/365 - The Traveler and the Gulch
astrographer: 192 setup
astrographer: 207/365 beth
Joel Robison: Where The Magic Goes
Joel Robison: "We are not makers of history. We are made by history."
Joel Robison: ""There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen"
Joel Robison: "Love what is ahead by loving what has come before."