dvdbramhall: IMGP2979
profzucker: Bernini, Apollo and Daphne
U1D2X: Rio Menuo o de la Verona
Caerule Lunae: Last Communion of Mary Magdalene, Pietro Lorenzetti
ARTExplorer: Last Communion of Mary Magdalene - Master of the Coburg Roundels
AlchemyandEnergy: The Last Communion of Mary Magdalen
flynariel: The Last Communion of Mary Magdalen
Andrea Carloni (Rimini): Castello di Poppi_67
profzucker: JMW Turner, Slave Ship, detail with fish
Nick in exsilio: Vierge de Pitié / Pietà
Nick in exsilio: Mary Magdalene
fefletcher3: SS. Apostoli
fefletcher3: At Museo Bardini with Sarah
fefletcher3: Didone - Museo Bardini
fefletcher3: Museo Bardini
fefletcher3: Sarah - Santa Trinita, Florence
fefletcher3: Museo Bardini
fefletcher3: Sarah - Arezzo
fefletcher3: Sarah - Florence
fefletcher3: Charlie Brown
fefletcher3: Sarah - Florence
Synctopia: The Gilded Bat by Edward Gorey
fefletcher3: Gentile angels
fefletcher3: From the oratorio