Simon Kossoff: Overland Park, KS
zoika: velos
Felip1: Orthotic Aids -- corner store corner door
Film-Love: Fujichrome Velvia 50
arsalan.: Oulipo
paula rúpolo: amics del bosc
paula rúpolo: amics del bosc Divided By Friday
skeleton key photography: Tumbleweed Wanderers
peepboon: ★ THE JON DOLLS : 01 ★
flypeterfly: camping on the beach
Mike Leavenworth: 1954 Chevy Bel Air - about 1959 The Night Time
Niall Oswald: Oswald-esque, Kingsdown.
Aaron22286: Rainbow Falls
Ben Eddings: Torquay Walkway
Blurryhel: Crushed Beaks
* Lisa: Mes Petits Chapeaux
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters
Jane Dallaway: Richard and Skitters outside scoop and crumb