doramaar717: Lava cactus
toyfoto: Quick! Take her back to the store!
relentlesstoil: Solstice 2014: PyeongChang Hopefuls
toyfoto: The face of a boy whose mom forgot it was picture day.
toyfoto: coming up for air
relentlesstoil: The Star Courier
toyfoto: Annnnnnd when the PA at the clinic said she was giving me crutches ... this is exactly what I imagined would happen.
jessamyn.n: IMG_8496
toyfoto: Shadow me
sammy baby: 201306011814-IMG_3869.jpg
toyfoto: Every vampire must brush his fangs twice a day.
Paruula: The last thing you'd ever see
everyday_stranger: London 2012 Opening Ceremony Dress Rehearsal
doramaar717: Cousins, Brothers, and The Old Man
srford: P1000953
toyfoto: Guess who's coming to dinner?
Leeloo the Droid: Artoo Tutu
sammy baby: How well she knows me...
bowerbirdknits: The big reveal?
everyday_stranger: A necklace of diamonds and pearls
sammy baby: waiting, together